'Full of such sensual detail that to read it is to breathe it in.'
- Jo Shapcott [review, Greyhound Night Service]

At this point...nothing to lose

A few days ago, a great friend of mine said to me something like this: at this point, you have nothing else to lose.
So, this is true. And today I went to my first Buddhist meditation class and the woman leading the med said: the only things in life that we can really control are our own reactions to situations.

My reaction to the recent events in my lifeis to go Zen. Part of this new reaction to my always-way-too-chaotic-to-be-comfortable life is to get back into my remarkable things posting.


Remarkable things about today
1) I felt at home as soon as I walked into the Buddhist meditation room.
2) Unlimited raw onion to accompany my dinner.
3) 'A parking spot right in front, that's a good omen.'
4) My bed still feels like my bed.


  1. I love you, hottie. The Buddhist/Zen approach to healing (as well as life in general) has done wonders for me. i feel like a different person. I have a long ways to go, but it's a good start.

    thinking of you.

  2. It's not much but a virtual Kennedy hug is wending its wireless way to you. Take care of yourself. Love, B


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