'Full of such sensual detail that to read it is to breathe it in.'
- Jo Shapcott [review, Greyhound Night Service]

Beneath the winter snow

Found this song today, the link sent to me by a friend, and the timeliness of it should shock me, but it just doesn't.

It was the melancholy and joyousness combined in Sara Bareilles's voice that got me through at least half of this year, meditation and close friends did the other half of the support.

I'm wondering right now, today a day of wondering, about her lyrics I've used for this post: They say that things just cannot grow beneath the winter snow... There is a heavy winter snow over me still, but not the icy kind, more the powdery kind I might one day scoop up and make snowballs of and dig myself out from under the blanketing cold that has kept me safe, as well as walled-in too much for my liking lately.

Remarkable Things:

1. December feels right. Right where I am. I am where I belong right now.
2. The tree is up and lit.
3. The light shines the whole room and yet the darkness still has a hold, the shadows safe and warm.
4. Snowdrops, one of my favourite flowers, can grow in snow.
