'Full of such sensual detail that to read it is to breathe it in.'
- Jo Shapcott [review, Greyhound Night Service]

Double Book Launch: Greyhound Night Service & Bloodlines (Andy Brown)

 What a wonderful turnout for our double book launch at Linklater Pavilion in Lewes, East Sussex!

 The incomparable Andy Brown joined me to read from his new collection Bloodlines (Worple Press): http://www.worplepress.com/new-title-andy-browns-bloodlines/

There were intros and speeches...and best of all, lots of poetry!  Thank you to everyone who came to help us both celebrate the launches of collection and pamphlet. If you would like a copy of Greyhound Night Service, order yours here: https://andybrown5.wixsite.com/maquette/2017-new-titles
