'Full of such sensual detail that to read it is to breathe it in.'
- Jo Shapcott [review, Greyhound Night Service]


 8 June: Victorian Memorials at Surrey History Centre. Guest Speaker: 'Stay Bones: Inspirations, Groundwork, Methods'.  https://victorianmemorials.wordpress.com/

October--November: Writer-in-Residence, The Museum of Loss and Renewal, Collemacchia, Italy. https://themuseumoflossandrenewal.life/individual-residencies-2022/
28 June: International Conference on Narrative, University of Chichester, UK. Panel title: Multi-Narrative Genres and Boundaries. Speaker: 'Cathy Park Hong's Poetry Collection Dance Dance Revolution as Braided Narrative'.
7 May: Surrey Poetry Festival, Guest Reader
27 January: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Festival of Research: Creative Showcase. Guest Speaker with Paul Vlitos, Liz Bahs, Alex Reeve.

15 November: Narrative and Music Conference, Brussels. Speaker: 'On the Threshold: Polyphony and Countermeasure in Gabrielle Calvocoressi's The Last Time I Saw Amelia Earharthttps://sites.google.com/view/narrative-and-music
2 September: Multi-Narratives Conference at CAU Kiel. Speaker: 'Cathy Park Hong's Dance Dance Revolution as Historiographic Multi-Narrative' https://www.multi-narratives.uni-kiel.de/de?set_language=de
5 May: Crossing Boundaries, Surrey Literature and Languages PGR Conference, University of Surrey: Keynote Speaker; 'Creative Collaboration: Where Boundaries Become Bridges in Creative Practice'
24 April: Surrey New Writers Festival: Creative Collaborations Panel with Paul Vlitos, Collette Lyons, Martha Cook, and Liz Bahs https://surreynewwritersfest.com/
3 December: University of Surrey, School of Literature & Languages: Staff Book Launch
11 November: University of Surrey, School of Literature & Languages: Headline Reader at Staff-Student Lunchtime Reading
12 July: Double Pindrop Press Book Launch: Liz Bahs & Alex Jospehy: Virtual readings (click here to watch the reading from Stay Bones)
14 March: Surrey New Writers Festival. Reading: Historical Fiction & Memoir with Liz Bahs, Lulah Ellender, and Julie Evans surreynewwritersfest.com
22 February: Poetry Book Fair, London. New Pindrop Poets Reading


18 December: University of Surrey, School of Literature & Languages: Not-Quite-Afternoon Reading Series with Paul Vlitos, Liz Bahs, Stephen Mooney, Ed Luker, Judith Popova, M.E. Rolle
August—September 2019: Writer-in-Residence, The Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences, Rabun Gap, Georgia USA, Collaborative residency with ceramicist Martha Cook 

30 May—1 June 2019: International Conference on Narrative, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.  Speaker: 'Reading the Null Point: Multi-Narrative Strategies in Gabrielle Calvocoressi’s Rocket Fantastic'
12 April 2019: Corroding the Now: Poetry + Science / Science Fiction, London, UK. Reading: Poems from a Lost Botanist, New poetry from my residency at Hambidge, USA  http://corrodingthenow.com/ 

15-16 March, 2019: Narrative Symposium, University of York, UK.  Inaugural symposium of research for British and Irish Association of Narrative Studies. Speaker: 'On the Threshold: Countermeasure and Chronotope in Poetry Sequence'


18 October 2018: The Needlewriters, Lewes, E. Sussex.  An Evening of Poetry and Prose. Readings by Lulah Ellender, Liz Bahs, Jan Woolf https://needlewriters.co.uk/2018/07/27/lulah-ellender-liz-bahs-jan-woolf-18th-october-2018/

7 September 2018: Sussex Double Book Launch: Liz Bahs & Andy Brown: Greyhound Night Service; Bloodlines. The Linklater Pavilion, Lewes, E.

19 April 2018: International Conference on Narrative, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Speaker: 'More Than A Sum of Parts: Multinarrativity in Jackie Kay's Poetry Sequence "The Adoption Papers"' 

March—April 2018: Writer-in-Residence, The Hambidge Center for Creative Arts and Sciences, Rabun Gap, Georgia USA


26 March 2017: International Conference on Narrative, University of Kentucky, Lexington USA. Speaker: 'Countermeasure in the Polyphonic Poetry Sequence'


9 March 2016: Creative Historiographies: 'Glimpsing Truth, Constructing History'. PhD Seminar Research Series, Speakers: Kei Miller, Clair Le Couteur, Liz Bahs, Viv Graveson. Senate House, University of London https://rhulpracticebasedphd.wordpress.com/2016/03/03/creative-historiographies/


17 September 2015: Written and Composed: Truth / Lies, Collaborative project with the composer Tom Wilson. Hackney Attic, London.

8 May 2015: The Place for Poetry Conference, Goldsmiths, University of London. Speaker: 'On the Threshold: The Polyphonic Poetry Sequence' https://pure.royalholloway.ac.uk/portal/files/25356784/The_Place_for_Poetry_2015_Full_Programme.pdf 

20 April 2015: Confessions of a Writing Group. Reading and discussion in association with New Writing South: Liz Bahs, Clare Best, Beth Miller, Alice Owens. The Writers' Place, Brighton.

26 March 2015: Needlewriters Anthology Launch: Readings by Liz Bahs, Clare Best, Charlotte Gann, Robin Houghton, Judith Kazantzis, Alice Owens, Jeremy Page, Janet Sutherland, Kay Syrad and Irving Weinman. Needlemakers Cafe, Lewes, E. Sussex.  http://www.needlewriters.co.uk


23 October 2014: An Evening of Poetry and Prose: Readings by Sian Thomas, Colin Bell, Liz Bahs. Needlemakers Cafe, Lewes, E. Sussex. 

6 June 2014: Oxford English Faculty Graduate Conference, Speaker: 'Interacting Voices: Polyphonic Conversation in Poetry Sequences' https://marginsconference.wordpress.com/ 
